So I do actually find it quite an interesting case from a comparative education perspective, but I am wondering how much space to give it and how to frame it. Steiner-Khamsi writes about policies being called the same in Mongolia as internationally, because the government wanted to send certain messages internationally, even though the contents were different. IN this case, the MoE have never bothered with the international community, not published anything in English or even provided an official translation. However, a Chinese NGO has used the English well-known term, perhaps partly to get funding (they got funding from Hewlett foundation) and recognition etc, and are widely understood internationally as the "creators and organizers" of all of this. (See this recent article about the Chinese OER program from the OER research network at OU UK as a classic example: 

However, what has also happened is that the focus of the project has developed from focusing mainly on the quality improvement at the local level, and the "inspirational effects" of the courses on other teachers, to the use-value of the resources put up for students. This can be seen through the increased requirements for interactive elements, the initiatives to extract the best components to create resource databases (ziyuanku), etc. In a speech recently, the manager of the TLCP national resource website, with whom I am meeting this week, announced that they were looking into providing accreditation for learning through TLCP, using open licensing (like Creative Commons, which is standard internationally), and engaging more internationally -- even coming up with an official English name. Thus, already having all this material, although the purpose was not to create a large resource database, it certainly facilitates moving into that next stage -- and although most subject-professors I have interviewed knew very little about international OER projects, Ju Feng, and people researching and writing about TLCP in China certainly know very well about them. Thus it is possible that TLCP, having begun as something completely different, having been "falsely understood" as an OER resource creating project internationally, will in its later stages actually become a real OER project.